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Making great games and great teams

The developer's who make the games we love are amazing creators. It's my passion to make sure nothing gets in their way. I'm here to make an impact building healthy, collaborative teams, creating effective processes, and using data throughout development to drive how we understand and shape our efforts to make amazing experiences.

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EA Create Audio

Associate Development Manager

From late 2021 through 2022 I had the pleasure of working on the Create Audio team at Electronic Arts' Orlando Tiburon Studio. This role had me managing the three sub teams of Create Audio, 31 members in total, that create the sounds and commentary that breath life into the College Football, Madden, and PGA games in development at Tiburon.

As the Associate Development Manager I facilitated communication both on Create Audio and across departments; managed meetings; lead sprint planning; tracked development progress; adjusting finaling plans;  and creating status reports for leadership. Along with this, I also created and implemented the project management onboarding process for the Create Audio Tiburon teams.

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Development Director

From 2019-2020 I took Kore, a retelling of Persephone's journey into the Underworld, from concept to release on Steam with a team of 16 developers and 45,000 downloads.

Working as the Development Director for Kore, I focused on fostering healthy communication and collaboration on the team, managing project planning, creating reports for stakeholders, leading QA testing, and utilizing data to guide team processes. One large effort I headed up was balancing our tech team capacity with our feature list coming out of pre-production. Mapping out the features and their corresponding risk analysis let us create a well prioritized and accurately scoped projection for the technical team moving into production.

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Project Everglades

Project Lead

Project Everglades was a legacy project where I lead a team of 11 developers as their Project Lead to add Player versus AI capability to an AI testing simulation for Lockheed Martin in 2019.

As the Project Lead I worked to define the project goals and timelines with our stakeholder, lead sprint planning, presented progress and deliverables to stakeholders, created production documentation, and curated 3rd party software needed by team. My biggest achievement on project Everglades though was the work I did with our programming team to create a technical design framework that broke down our core technical deliverable, the tasks and importantly, the dependencies we'd encounter along the way, and then using that to inform the project timeline for our tech team's work. 

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Spring Roll Studios

Project Manager

In 2018 I lead Spring Roll Studios as their Project manager in developing 3 different prototypes that would be used to test teaching control of bionic arms for kids via video games, connected to their bionic limb. The team consisted of 14 members and was split to develop the prototypes in parallel

Along with my usual duties of managing project goals, schedules, meetings, and communication with stakeholders and leadership, I also worked with our design team to adjust our integration schedule with the bionic arm technology after I anticipated a delay for when we'd receive the tech that would interface between our game and the arms. When this tech did actually get delayed we effectively avoided any negative impacts to our production thanks to our planning.

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Rushmore & Cruel Fuel

Project Manager

I worked on Rushmore & Cruel Fuel as Capstone projects in 2016 and 2017, both with teams around 15 in total. 

My work on the projects had me managing communication on the teams and to executive leadership, managing project plans and deliverables, tracking team hours and issues, setting up management and development processes, and leading QA testing. With these games we wanted to interact with the orlando independent game development community, so I organized times for our teams to go out to events like Indienomicon or UCF Celebrates the Arts and show off the games and gather feedback.

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